Saturday, May 30, 2009

Winners - Giveaway - The Girl Who Stopped Swimming

And the five lucky winners (chosen by of a copy of The Girl Who Stopped Swimming, courtesy of The Hachette Book Group are:

1. John Ferris
2. Becky
3. lindaw
4. 07Violet
5. Amber

I've contacted you by email for your mailing addresses. Please respond within 48 hours. Congratulations and thanks to all who entered. Check the sidebar for ongoing giveaways.

** updated June 01- I never heard back from two of the original winners, so on to the next two on the list**


  1. Congratulations to the winners! I just read this last week and loved it. Hope you do, too. You can read my review here -

  2. Congrats to all winners.
    Carol L.

  3. Congrats to all the winners :) Enjoy your reads !!


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