Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Winners - Confetti Cakes for Kids - Elisa Strauss

And the three lucky winners of copies of Confetti Cakes for Kids courtesy of Hachette Books and chosen by random.org are:

Christyjan, Allison and Trish

I'll be contacting you for your mailing information. Thanks for entering and check the sidebar for other giveaways!


  1. Woohoo!! Thanks Luanne..this looks like a really fun book!! Looking forward to looking through it!

  2. Congratulations to the winners. That looks like such a fun book.

  3. Oh! Thanks so much! And congrats to Allison and Trish also.

  4. Thanks! I am looking forward to this. Congrats to ChristyJan and Allison also! :)


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