Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Examiner - Janice Hallett

Janice Hallett is a brilliant writer! I was so excited about her latest book - The Examiner. I just knew it would be another fantastic read. (It was!)

A group of six artists comprises the inaugural group of students hoping for a masters in art degree. They're a very mixed bunch but all are eager to take the course. And their professor is thankful for having the funding to run the program. But...

Oh, there's a fabulous but! Each one has their own agenda - and that's the fun of this book. Can you suss out what everyone is up to?

 Hallett reprises the epistolary style of writing that I adore. The book is told through emails, coursework, texts, message boards, essays and their inner dialogue. The reader is the quiet seventh student, hearing everything that is going on and and trying to put the pieces together.

Good luck with that! The plotting is absolutely brilliant in my opinion. The clues are sometimes right there to see, while other times they're longshots. Hallett throws in more than one twist and turn on the way to the final 'aha'. 

Fantastic! A very easy five stars. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Examiner..


  1. I can’t guess but it sounds intriguing.

  2. It certainly is Mystica! - I highly recommend this author!

  3. I'm glad to hear this is another hit. I really enjoyed The Christmas Appeal, so I hope to get to this one soon!


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