Monday, July 15, 2024

Storm Child - Michael Robotham

Storm Child is the fourth entry in Michael Robotham's Cyrus Haven and Evie Cormac series. 

Quick catch up if you've not read the first three books. Cyrus is a  psychologist and is the person who found Evie as a child, hiding in a house of horrors. Evie doesn't remember much of her early years - until now...

Robotham has added clues about Evie over the course of the first three books. But fans of this series thrilled to know that this new book does give readers answers at last! But at what cost to Evie?

I really these two characters - Cyrus's slower pace and thinking before acting is the exact opposite to Evie's scattergun approach. They play off each other well. And the care is there between them. I've become invested in both of them.

Robotham's plotting has been wonderful in each entry. This latest could have been torn from newspaper headlines. The plot has a satisfying finish, but I thing there is still much in store for Evie and Cyrus. There are a few questions left...

This latest entry is also available in an audio format. The narrator is Joe Jameson. He has also narrated the other three books. I appreciate the continuity in bringing back the same reader. Jameson has created the perfect voices for the lead characters. Cyrus's voice is calm and controlled. It's in a lower tone that draws in the listener. The voice for Evie is spot on. She says what she's thinking. You can hear the walls she's put up, the chip on her shoulder and the attitude that hides her insecurity. There are a number of supporting players and again, the voices are perfect. Jameson's reading is clear and easy to understand. His presentation of Robotham's work is perfect. Listen to an audio excerpt of Storm Child. 

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