Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Middle of the Night - Riley Sager

I've seen his name and I've read the reviews (all very good) but...I've never read or listened to one of Riley Sager's book! Big mistake.

I just finished listening to Middle of the Night, and I absolutely loved it! 

It was thirty years ago when Ethan and his best friend Billy had a sleep over in their tent. But when Ethan woke up the next morning...Billy was gone...and never found.

Ethan is back at his parent's home and his memories and guilt are lying heavy. But is someone playing games with him? Signs of Billy, things that only Ethan could know and more...

The book is told in a then and now style that I always enjoy. We're with Ethan as he explores the past and tries to figure out what is going on now. There's a cast of supporting players that knew Billy and they may have some answers. The path to final answers takes a twisted path. One that I really enjoyed.

There was a great Stranger Things and Stand By Me feeling to Middle of the Night.

I often find that I become more immersed in a tale by listening. That was absolutely the case with Middle of the Night. The narrator was Santino Fontana and he was perfect for this tale. His voice was clear and easy on the ears. He enunciated clearly. He provides voices are perfect for each character - male, female, old and young. He captured the plot and presented it wonderfully.  Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt.


Ethan said...

I'm so happy you've finally dived into his books! Like any author with a yearly release schedule, he can be hit or miss, but I've enjoyed most of his titles!

Luanne said...

He's very readable and easily kept my attention. And if you liked him, chances are that I will too!