Friday, July 5, 2024

Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder - Kerryn Mayne

I liked the cover of Kerryn Mayne's debut novel - Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder. But I loved the story so much! 

Lenny is a primary teacher - she's never missed a day or forgotten to plan for the next day. She eats the same thing each day, rides her bike everywhere and plays Scrabble with Monica from Friends. Well, she plays Monica's tiles as well as her own. There is order and peace to her life.

"It had taken considerable effort and time to get to this point and she was not planning on disrupting the perfectly good order of things."

Yes, she's a bit odd, but she is kind to everyone she meets, thinking the best of others. Her students love her, but the some of other the teachers are downright cruel to Lenny. Oh, they made me so mad! There's always a mean girl in a school - and this time it's a teacher.

The cracks start to show in Lenny's carefully built defenses. A conversation with the grocery man, her next door neighbor needing some help and a few other connections open the gates a crack and.....well I'm going to let you find out what's next...

You'll have an idea what the past might hold, but I didn't have the whole picture until the final chapters arrived.
Mayne gives Lenny a neat device for defusing her anxiety. She'll take a word and rearrange the letters for other words that fit what's going on.

This was such a great read! There's a lot going on and I just wanted things to work out for Lenny.  

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