Monday, July 8, 2024

Finding Mr. Write - Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong is one of my favourite authors. She writes in a number of genres and many of them contain romantic threads. But a full on rom-com? Finding Mr. Write is the only one! And it is a fantastic read!

Armstrong draws on her own experiences, as well as those of her author friends in Finding Mr. Write.

"How much easier would those early days have if we could have hired an actor? Found someone smooth and glib and witty, who would be a much better spokesperson for our books. And I thought, That's a rom-com!

I was hooked right from the first pages. Daphne is our lead character. She's smart, strong, talented and but sometimes she forgets that. She's so easy to like. Her inner dialogue feels real and clever. And how about Chris Stanton? He's an accountant, but thinks he can bring "Zane Remington" to life. (The name is perfect!) We readers are privy to his inner thoughts and dialogue as well. And yes, there are a lot of funny bits. I found myself laughing out loud. And in any rom-com tale, there's a lot of yes, no, maybe so, on the path to the final chapters.

I loved the characters, the premise, the truths, the writing and just all of it! See for yourself - read an excerpt of Finding Mr. Write.


  1. Luanne, Kelley Armstrong writes all over the book 'map' doesn't she? I love that. And I enjoy her books so much. This one is mostly outside of what I read these days, but....I will keep it in mind. :-)

  2. She's quite versatile! Check on Friday's post - there's a book you'd love.


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