Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Murder on Stage - F.L. Everett - Blog tour

A Bookworm's World is a stop on today's blog tour for F.L. Everett's new book - Murder on Stage

This is the third entry in the Edie York series. I've grown quite fond of Edie and her cohorts and was eager to see what this latest would bring.  I settled in with a pot of tea, a dog and a blanket on the sofa - must haves for reading cosy English mysteries.

Edie is out with friends for a night at the theater when the lead actor falls to the floor. There's that moment - is it part of the show? Or is he..

Edie writes obituaries for the local newspaper, but she really wants to be a crime writer. She's friends with DCI Louis Brennan, who is calling on Edie's skillset to help with this case. There's a large group of suspects in the troupe to question. And as actors, it might be hard to tell who is lying. I really enjoy this style of investigation. Answers, clues, secrets and more are found by interviews, conversations, hunches and instinct. So much more interesting than DNA matches etc. 

I quite enjoy cosy mysteries. Why you ask? Well, the keep calm and carry on attitude, a plucky female protagonist, a mystery, a crime, an excellent crew of supporting characters - and a dog. And....a slow building romance. I like that the personal lives of the regular group of players moves forward. 

I love the amount of detail Everett has used - the setting, the shortage of food, clothing, the bombing, the war going on around them and so much more. 

The door is shut on this case - but I'm sure there will be a fourth entry. I'll be watching for it!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Housemaid is Watching - Freida McFadden

A Bookworm's World is a stop on today's blog tour for The Housemaid is Watching.

I've seen so many positive reviews of Freida McFadden's suspense novels, so I thought it was about time I read one. Her latest is The Housemaid is Watching. 

McFadden starts off with a prologue guaranteed to hook the reader. We now know what awaits us in further along in the book. What we need now is the who and why...

Millie, her husband Enzo and their two children have just moved into a house on a quiet cul-de-sac. The neighbors are a bit 'off', but that can't take away from their happiness of owning a house at last. Or can it?

McFadden is a master of misdirection. She had me looking at one set of events, while I should have been looking at another. Bravo! I love being unable to predict what is going to happen next in a plot. Almost every chapter ends with foreshadowing, which means I just had to read just another chapter and another. 

Most of the chapters belong to Millie's point of view, but other characters are given a voice as the end of the book draws near. Clues about Millie's past are dropped in as the book progresses. My perception about Millie changed quite a few times as the book continued. It was the same for many other characters as well. McFadden gives us some crazy twists that were unexpected - but very welcomed!

While this was my first McFadden tale, it won't be my last! This would be a great beach read!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Heiress Takes All - Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka.

Heiress Takes All is a new teen novel from the husband and wife team Emily Wibberley Austin Siegemund-Broka.

Teen fictions are my 'get away from it all' reads. And I love 'heist' books and movies. So, a stormy day found me happily picking up Heiress Takes All.

All of the hallmarks of a YA read are there...

The protagonist is 17 year old Olivia. Her wealthy father is getting married for the third time. A huge wedding is planned - while Olivia and her mom struggle with a mountain of medical bills. And so...the heist is born. She's brought in an eclectic crew, but she is the only one with the big picture. I have to admit that I didn't overly like Olivia. The supporting cast is made up of the expected gang - a hacker, a driver etc.

Romance is, of course, a large part of the book. Lots of yes, no, maybe so. Perhaps this could have been tightened up a bit. But again, I'm not a teenager any more!

The authors throw in some twists in the final chapters that were quite good. And it looks like the door might be open to a second book - and another heist?

Plausible? Well, a few grains of salt might be needed, but just go the the flow. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Heiress Takes All.