Monday, May 13, 2024

The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club - Helen Simonson

The cover of Helen Simonson's new book, The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club, immediately caught my eye. The title and cover image promised a great read!

Simonson has set her book in 1919 postwar England. Men are coming back to their homes, their families - and their jobs. Women have filled those roles during the war and many of the women don't want to quit - and many of them can't afford to not work.

One of those willing to work at a much more challenging job  is Constance. But right now she is a companion to an older woman, living in a luxury hotel at Hazelbourne-on-Sea. 

"I was doing something important. Now we are all expected to go home to the kitchen or drawing room". 

Simonson's setting is wonderfully detailed and easy to imagine. She has also captured the mores of the time period - proper behaviour, doing as you're expected, listening to your elders and so much more. The expectations of the time are so constrictive. The dialogue was so well written and fun to read. Oral jousting while not stepping out of line!

But then Constance meets Poppy and her family and Poppy turns Constance's life upside down, introducing her to other forward thinking women. Simonson does a wonderful job depicting the women's' lives, hopes, dreams, wishes and the drive to keep trying to have more and do more. 

There's much more to the plot of The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club - and it's much more fun to discover it yourself. If you enjoy historical fiction, add this to the your list! See for yourself - read an excerpt of  The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club.


Ethan said...

I'm drawn in by the postwar England setting and the portrayal of women navigating societal expectations. Constance's journey from companion to embracing new possibilities alongside Poppy and other forward-thinking women sounds inspiring.

Luanne said...

Well put Ethan!