Friday, April 12, 2024

The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians - James Patterson and Matt Eversmann

The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians is the newest compilation between James Patterson and Matt Eversmann.

The sub title is True Stories of the Magic of Reading. I actually liked this better than the 'secret lives'.

Having worked in a library and a bookstore, I eagerly picked up the book and dove in. I was hooked by the first story, so I read another and another and...

I found so many relatable outlooks, memories, experiences and more from many view points. Shop owners, book buyers, school librarians, public libraries, booksellers and more. All with a love of books and reading. Finding the book for someone is a wonderful feeling. I've found bookstores and libraries to be my happy places.

I enjoyed the stories that were included. I wonder if some additional tales could have been also included. Such as visiting libraries for those who can't get to the bricks and mortar building. Prison libraries. Little Free Libraries, etc.

All in all, I enjoyed this book. Short entries let you have a beginning and ending when you're busy. And I really connected with many others. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians.


  1. Luanne, I saw another review of this book and it sounds like one I would love. Will definitely pick it up. Maybe I'll get it in print for myself and pass it along to my niece who is a children's librarian at a city library. Bet she'd like it too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think all booklovers would enjoy this one! I like your idea of passing it along! Enjoy!

  3. Anyone who likes books would like this story. Thanks for the review

  4. Thanks for stopping by Mystica. You are right about who will enjoy it!


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