Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Night in Question - Susan Fletcher

I have no idea if anyone has coined a name for the genre of  'older amateur sleuths solving mysteries and pulling at your heartstrings at the same time. Not a cosy, but a heartfelt story running alongside of the body. Let me know if you have! Until then, I'll go with my long winded one. Oh - and I am really enjoying this style of storytelling.

The Night in Question by Susan Fletcher is a perfect five star example. 

Florrie Butterfield is eighty seven years old and now calls an assisted living facility home. When a serious event happens on the grounds of Babbington Hall, Florrie decides to investigate on her own - with the help of her friend Stanhope. Fletcher does a great job of eking out the clues of the mystery bits. I loved the both of them. There is a large cadre of supporting players - each with something to add to Florrie's investigation. She gives her older characters true voices - they're older, but shouldn't be dismissed.

Remember that other bit I mentioned? The heartstrings? Florrie has lived a wonderful life - loving, travelling, living instead watching and yes, not everything was perfect, but still, a rich life. I loved her outlook. Chapters about those past years are interspersed within the current day search for answers. I have to say - the past had me in tears more than once. 

The Night in Question is a thoughtful book, a slow burner that was such a joy to read. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Night in Question. 


  1. I’ve just missed this on Netgalley but I’ll be looking out for it.

  2. It's a thoughtful read - and a mystery!


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