Thursday, November 23, 2023

Murder in a Country Village - F.L. Everett

Murder in a Country Village is the second book in F.L. Everett's wonderful Edie York Mystery series.

What makes it such a wonderful series? Well, all the elements that I quite enjoy are there. Set in the years of WWII, the keep calm and carry on attitude, a plucky female protagonist, a mystery, a crime, an excellent crew of supporting characters - and a dog.

Manchester, London England. Edie is the local newspaper's obituarist. Which is good, but what she'd love to be is a crime reporter. On a ramble with her friend Ethel, they come across a body - and it's someone Ethel knows. Accident or deliberate?

Edie just can't help herself - she starts asking questions. And soon enough, DCI Louis Brennan is called upon. 

I really enjoy this type of investigation. Answers, clues, secrets and more are found by interviews, conversations, hunches and instinct. So much more interesting than DNA matches etc. 

Edie is such a great lead character and the reader can't help but behind her. Urging her on and sometimes shaking your head at some of her choices. But, it's her curious nature, her kindness and zest for life that makes her such a great protagonist. The supporting cast from the first book return - Lou, Annie her roommate, Lou's friend Arnold and Marple the dog. Everett gives her players personal lives that move forward. Yes, there's some romance afoot for some. 

Everett has done a really good job of bringing her setting to life. She gives us detailed locales, food, businesses, the war and much more.

The first book, set the place and introduced the characters. With this second entry there's much more to the crime, the investigation and the characters. See for yourself - read an excerpt. I will be watching for the third book! 


  1. It's a great entry in this style isn't it! Glad to hear you enjoyed it as well.


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