Thursday, November 2, 2023

Christmas Presents - Lisa Unger

I love the time of the year when seasonal titles start popping up. And especially when it's a favorite author.  Christmas Presents is Lisa Unger's gift to readers this season!

Madeline was the only survivor of a serial killer that terrorized her town years ago. A man was convicted. But, now an author turned podcaster wants to reopen the case. He stops into Madeline's bookstore asking for her participation, as other women have gone missing.

As always, I was immediately caught up in Unger's premise. A past and present timeline is used, which I always enjoy as well. We're with a teenage Madeline as she gets close to what the reader knows is danger - in many ways. And with her in the presents as she tries to remember what she has forgotten. She's a likeable character that's easy to get behind. Unger does a great job presenting the two ages of Madeline. 

There's a good cast of supporting players that gives the reader a wide variety of choice for 'whodunit.' Some red herrings kept me guessing until the final pages. 

The bookshop is a wonderfully drawn setting - and I'd been quite happy to browse the shelves and displays! This book might be a great gift for yourself!

And what makes this a Christmas novella? Well, the timeframe is the days building up to Christmas. An unknown person has left Madeline a gift on her porch every Christmas for many years. And what about the person dressing up as Santa ahead of time?

While marketed as a seasonal read, those who enjoy murder mysteries will enjoy this book anytime. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Christmas Presents.

224 pages.


  1. You seem to be reading everything from my TBR list! I've never read an Unger novel before, but I've got this one on hold to be my first.


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