Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop - Jenny Colgan

Jenny Colgan is hands down one of my favorite authors. I'm always waiting for her new titles. And....Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop is here! 

Now, this sequel picks up where it let off in 'The Christmas Bookshop'. You can absolutely read this latest as a stand alonn - but you'd be missing a wonderful tale. I say buy them both for yourself for Christmas.

Why do I enjoy Colgan's books so much? Well, the characters are wonderfully drawn. I always feel like I'd love to meet them all and join in. In this sequel, I feel like I'm catching up with old friends. The players are not perfect, instead they feel like real people. There's always a romantic timeline that isn't quite a straight journey. I love the yes, no, maybe so trip to the final pages. Carmen is a wonderful lead, but the supporting cast is just as fun, full of quirky personalities.  I do have to say that her nieces steal the show on more than one occasion.

The settings are wonderful as well. I'd love to live in many of the places Colgan visits or imagines. This time we're again at McCredie’s little Old Town bookshop in Edinburgh. Oh, I want to visit, or heck, work there! The descriptions of the books in the shop are so detailed. Colgan adds to this location in this new book. There are more and more little alcoves, brim full of old books. Make that treasures. And some unexpected rooms upstairs. Carmen is doing everything she can to keep the shop running, but is it going to be enough? 

Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop is a book you can easily escape into. And I know you'll love it. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop. More please!


  1. I just added the first to my library holds! Thanks!

  2. I've only read one book by Colgan, but I agree that her characters are top notch!

  3. Colgan is comfort reading for me!

  4. I’d love to visit too. Sounds delightful reading

  5. All of her books are Mystica - I hope you get a chance to try one.


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