Monday, September 25, 2023

Murder in the Blitz - F. L. Everett

F.L. Everett's new book, Murder in the Blitz, ticks all the boxes in one of my new favorite storytelling styles. Such as...set in the WWII years, a plucky female protagonist, a mystery, a crime, an excellent crew of supporting characters, a devious culprit and more. 

Manchester 1940. Edie has worked at a local newspaper for the last five years. She yearns for something more than being a typist and tea maker - such as the crime beat. But, she'll take the chance she's been offered and she'll give it her all. After all, being an obituarist, is a step closer, isn't it? And yes, Edie's path does indeed cross that of a crime... 

Edie is easy to like and get behind. She's tenacious, determined and has a good heart. But - she's more than a little naïve sometimes. (I wanted to point out certain people and their behaviour to her!) Her roommate Annie is a good sidekick character. I hope that she, and the two other supporting characters are back in the next entry. I think the door is open for a burgeoning relationship - or two. 

Everett captures the 'can do, keep calm' attitude of war time England. Lots of detail cements the mental image I created of the setting. 

The mystery is a good one and suitable for the time. The path to the aha moment is easier for the reader to see I think. Edie is a few steps behind. But that's the fun of cozy mysteries, isn't it?

This is the first book in a planned series - the Edie York Mysteries. I'll be watching for the second book. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Murder in the Blitz. 

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