Thursday, August 3, 2023

Just Another Missing Person - Gillian McAllister

Gillian McAllister's latest twisting turning tale - Just Another Missing Person -  has just released.

The book opens with a prologue that that sets everything off...

Just Another Missing Person is told from three points of view. Our lead character is DCI Julia Day - a respected officer who prides herself on her tenacity, work ethic and stellar reputation. Her home life isn't quite at the same level. And then the event in the prologue occurs. And someone knows what happened. I liked Julia initially, but wasn't too sure what to think as the book progressed. How far down another road will she go?

Emma is a mother as well, and she's not sure about her adult son's secretive manner, the lies she captures him in and his behavior. Has he done something bad?

And the third view that of Lewis, a father desperate to find his missing daughter. She's been gone for almost a year. Is there any hope?

Readers will have to keep an eye on the chapter headers to know whose point of view it is. 

McAllister has penned another addictive read. I couldn't wait to find out how all the narratives would come together. With three views, the reader gleans clues from every entry. But just when you think you've got things figured out, they change. I truly didn't see the resolution or reasons coming and was surprised. The end chapter delivers one last twist. I'm still thinking about it to figure out if I like it or not.

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