Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Strange Sally Diamond - Liz Nugent

Okay, the combination of the title and cover made Liz Nugent's new novel, Strange Sally Diamond, a must read for me. 

The unsettling prologue sealed the deal. I was hooked, binge reading 'til late at night. 

Sally Diamond is decidedly different. Her background harbors many secrets and events that account for her actions, thoughts, demeanor and more. 

The 'why' and 'how' of this is slowly and deliciously eked out by Nugent over the course of the book. One answer brings yet another question. I thought Nugent manipulated the reader wonderfully. There are surprises and twists throughout the book.

I loved Sally's straightforward manner and was firmly behind her as she navigates the path to owning her life. And sad for what has come before. Nugent populates her supporting cast with a wide variety of temperaments. They play a large part of the plot. Some good, some bad. 

Nugent's plotting is dark and unsettling. It's also very hard to put it down! See for yourself - read an excerpt of Strange Sally Diamond.

Gentle readers, there are many triggers, and this may not be a book for you.


  1. Great review, I love that you didn't give anything away. This is one I'd like to read mostly based on reading her other book and enjoying it.

  2. Thanks Freda! Sometimes I find the publisher gives out too much information before I've turned a page. If it's an author I like, I'll pick it up on their name only. Hope you enjoy this one!


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