Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Homewreckers - Mary Kay Andrews

Are you looking for a new beach read? Yes? Well, you can't go wrong with Mary Kay AndrewsThe Homewreckers is newly released in trade paperback - and is just waiting to be tucked into your beach bag!

I'm a fan of MKA's storytelling. Why you ask? Well, there's always a lead character that you'd like in real life. Hattie Kavanaugh is that character. She's a young widow and works with her father-in-law and best friend flipping houses in Savannah, Georgia. She's ambitious, smart and driven. The supporting cast of characters are just as warm and likeable. Most of them that is. There needs to be some antagonists in every tale as well. Oh, and there's a dog. Every good book has a dog. ;)0

When the latest flip loses money, Hattie has to find a way to recoup their losses. She finds a property, but it's still going to be a struggle. Until....a Hollywood producer offers Hattie a chance to star in a 'home show.' I have to admit, I love those shows. It was fun to read what transpires 'behind the cameras'.

There are some strings attached to the offer though - including one in the form of a co-host - an attractive designer. And there's the next bit - a romantic angle - or two. There's always the right one and the wrong one. We just need Hattie to see what we see!

The last few books have included a mystery as well. Someone seems determined to not have Hattie succeed with this latest reno. But who and why? Well, we discover the why, but the who takes us right to the final pages. There are lots of suspects for the answer to the whodunit, and I was kept guessing. 

And let's not forget the setting. The house they're working on is on Tybee Island, Georgia. Mary Kay Andrews herself has ties to the island. Her descriptions make me want to visit, sit on a porch or walk on the beach. Here's a fun fact  - "Mary Kay is an intrepid treasure hunter whose favorite pastime is junking and fixing up old houses."

Now, take these wonderful characters, the fantastic setting and weave in the mystery and romance and what have you got? A book you don't want to put down. And I didn't. Five stars for another engaging, heartwarming, eminently readable, take me away from it all, beach worthy read. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Housewreckers.

And keep your eyes out for Bright Lights, Big Christmas: A Novel, coming out on  September 26, 2023.

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