Monday, April 10, 2023

The Only Survivors - Megan Miranda

Megan Miranda is one of those authors that I automatically pick up. The Only Survivors is her newest release.

The premise is an oft used vehicle, but Miranda puts her stamp on the plotting. Ten years ago, a group of high schoolers on a field trip crashed. Some of them made it out - and some of them didn’t. For the last ten years, a group of those who did survive get together at a cottage.

But there’s more to the reunion story than just a get to together. Something happened the night of the crash. They never speak of it and the reunion is always a reminder that no one else should know what really happened that night. But this year’s get together is different. One of their group has died. Keeping the secret has taken a toll on all of their lives. Accusations and suspicions abound.

The story unfolds in a past and present narrative, which I always enjoy. As readers, we are privy to more than one piece of information. I had my suspicions which were proven only partially right by the final pages.

Like I said, I've always enjoyed Miranda’s books, but I did find the pacing a bit slow in this latest. The reveal of that secret from the past is never fully explained until the end. I did get a bit frustrated with the drawing it out for so long.

Cassidy is the main character and is her point of view that drives the bus. Some of the supporting players are given a point of view as well, but we really only come to know them through Cassidy‘s eyes.

The book is set in the Outer Banks, and Miranda has done a really good job of bringing the setting to life, especially the storm.

I enjoyed this latest, but am hoping for a faster paced tale in the next book.

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