Thursday, April 20, 2023

If We're Being Honest - Cat Shook

If We're Being Honest is Cat Shook’s debut novel.

The opening chapter sets the tone for the rest of the book. At a family gathering an attendee makes an announcement that is quite unexpected. From that revelation, there are numerous repercussions, conversations, hurt feelings, a sense of betrayal, questioning what you thought you knew and more. This is all explored through the members of the Williams family.

Now, there are a lot of members of the Williams family in this book -generations to be accurate. Even more when you count in the cousins, friends and acquaintances. I admit, I found keeping them all straight a bit of a chore. I do think readers or listeners will find at least one character that resonates with them. 

Shook explores many, many situations and themes - all all of them seen through the eyes and lives of this large group of players. Fidelity, sexual orientation, marriage, friendship, expectations, parenthood, disappointments, grief, family dynamics, loss, love, hope, fears and so much more. 

The book takes place over the course of one week. Shook packs in a lot for a one week timeframe. 

I liked Shook’s premise- the idea of exploring the aftermath of such an announcement. But I think having so many players and now so so many themes to explore was way too busy. I believe the book would’ve been more effective with less going on and fewer characters. As it is, it feels like it’s just jumping from situation to situation, without letting me embrace the characters or savour the moments.

I chose to listen to If We’re Being Honest. The reader was Kathleen McInerney. She’s a narrator I’ve listened to before and I’ve quite enjoyed her work. She has a nice clear voice, enunciates well, and is pleasant to listen to. She did a very good job of trying to provide identifiable voices for all of the characters, but I think, having another reader, perhaps a male, to play some other parts would have been a good idea. McInerney did a good job of bringing the author's book to life. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt of I've We're Being Honest.

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