Thursday, March 23, 2023

Countdown - James Patterson and Brendan DuBois

James Patterson's latest collaboration - Countdown - is with Brendan DuBois.

This is a follow up to Out of Sight, featuring Amy Cornwall, but can absolutely be read as a stand alone, as I did.

Amy Cornwall was Army intelligence and she’s now in the CIA doing the same thing. She’s out on a what seems to be a straightforward mission. But, something is just off and - you guessed it - she’s going to follow her intuition. Well, she does and what she finds is a tangled web of deceit, treason, terrorists, and plans for a horrific outcome… 

Amy is a great kick butt female lead. You can’t help but be behind her all the way. She has no idea who to trust. The British agent that says he’ll help her? Her own boss wants her gone. But why? 

Patterson and DuBois have concocted a multi levelled plot that twists and turns many times on the way to the final pages. It really made me wonder about what does go on in the 'alphabet' agencies. 

Over the top you ask? Yes, it was in places, but just go with it, as it makes for a roller coaster of a read. 

Is there going to be another entry in this series? I think there's a chance of that, as Amy has some debts to settle...

See for yourself - read an excerpt of Countdown


  1. I love James Patterson, so this is an auto buy for me, enjoyed your review!

  2. Thanks Jo - I hope you enjoy it as well!

  3. I used to read more political thrillers than I do now, but you seemed to really enjoy this collaboration between the two authors.

  4. It's actually the first one I've read in a long time!


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