Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Murder at Haven's Rock - Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong's 'Rockton' series is hands down one of my favorites. Murder at Haven's Rock brings us the next chapter - in a new location. (Squee!)

Haven's Rock will also be a town that doesn't exist on any map, completely off-grid, hidden deep in the Yukon. The residents? They'll all be running from something or hiding from someone. What will be different about this new town is that Sherriff Dalton and his wife Detective Casey will get to decide which applicants will be accepted. A number of Rockton inhabitants will be back as well. I'm glad to hear that, as I've grown attached to many of them. And not for some. But it makes for an interesting milieu. Oh, and Storm the dog too.

With construction nearing the finish line, Dalton and Casey head up to check it out. What they find is two missing workers....And with that, they're back into work mode. 

I love the idea of a hidden town, a microcosm of society, with good and bad. The inhabitants all have a reason to be living off grid up in the great white North. And that makes for lots of great, inventive plot lines.  Along with the mystery, Armstrong gives her characters detailed personal lives.

The book is told from Casey's point of view. I enjoy being with her as she investigates the latest mystery (okay, it indeed is most often a murder.) I like her internal reasoning and subsequent deductions as she investigates without access to DNA databanks etc. The mysteries Armstrong presents are not easily solved and I quite like being kept guessing. This latest is no exception. There's a wealth of suspects to choose from and my choice changed quite often. 

A great first entry in the Haven's Rock series! The door is open for the next book and I can't wait. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Murder at Haven's Rock. 


  1. Luanne, good to hear your thoughts on this new Casey/Dalton book. My thoughts on it will be up on Thursday. A hint - I loved it! So happy these characters will continue and I look forward to new puzzles and 'odd' people in the Yukon.

  2. Oh Kay - our reading tastes are so similar! I was thrilled that that the series is continued! I'll stop in on Thursday to see your thoughts!

  3. I too am intrigued by this idea of the hidden town. There's the potential for so much good but also so much bad.

  4. Oh there is Ethan! If you are interested in the series, read the 'Rockton' books first.

  5. Is there a better feeling than finding a new-to-me author with a backlist to read through?

    Luanne, our reading tastes are so similar - can't wait to start the original series!

  6. Ha! It is a great feeling Amy! We do indeed have very similar reading tastes. I hope you enjoy the Rockton books!

  7. It almost sounds like Paige Shelton's "Alaska Wild" series, which I love.


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