Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone - Benjamin Stevenson

Oh my gosh...if you're a fan of "Clue" style mysteries, a clever narrator with a dark sense of humour, a dangerous, dysfunctional family and a plot like no other,  you need to pick up Benjamin Stevenson's new book, Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone!

I was hooked before I even read the first chapters. The prologue includes the membership oath of a secret society of mystery writers (Including Christie) from 1930, as well as the 1929 Ten Commandments of Detective Fiction from Ronald Knox. Our narrator uses these in the telling of this tale. 

Reluctantly, the members of the Cunningham family have gathered together at a remote lodge. In the winter with a storm on the way. With bad cell phone coverage. Old hurts, wrongs, clashes of personalities and secrets soon rear their ugly heads. And then a body is found....

Ernest Cunningham is the narrator and defacto lead sleuth. Ern's voice is full of dark humour, keen observations and questionable actions. Just wait until you meet his family...

"Everyone in my family has killed someone: my brother, my stepsister, my wife, my father, my mother, my mother-in-law, my uncle, my stepfather and me."

You'll need to be on your toes as there are many characters to keep track of. Ern details what is going on, sharing his observations and some of his theories. Are you be keen enough to see what and who the final 'ah hah' moment might be? I certainly wasn't!

Stevenson has written a elaborate plot, one that will keep you guessing. For this reader, it was Ern and the dark humour that kept me up late. Stevenson is an award winning stand-up comedian. I'd say his sense of humour translates well to the written page. 

#BooksofHCC   @harpercollins.ca   #Ad   I received a review copy of this title from Harper Collins Canada. This in no way affects my honest review. 

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