Thursday, July 28, 2022

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin

I admit, I didn't even look at the description of Gabrielle Zevin's new novel Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. I picked it up as one of her past books, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. is a favorite of mine.

So, it was a surprise going in. Video games play a large part of the book and that is immediately introduced. And I thought, this book isn't for me. But then I was drawn in... Zevin's imagined games are fascinating and yes, they beckon to the listener to come in and be a part of them. (I was truly fascinated by the details of designing games and the reasoning behind certain decisions.)

On first meeting the adult characters, I thought - oh, I'm not keen on them at all. And then I realized how 'real' they were. Zevin hasn't sugar coated anything. Each and everyone of them has strengths and weaknesses. And yes, I was talking out loud quite often, questioning the actions, decisions and paths that Zevin sets her players on. They were perfect in their realistic portrayal. All of the emotions you can think of are found in the lives of Sadie, Sam, Marx over the course of decades. The supporting characters are just as well drawn. And I was completely immersed in their lives. Each of the lead three is given a voice and we are privy to their thoughts, emotions and actions.

And where do all those years take the three? Sometimes where I wanted and often where I didn't want to go. But again, Zevin has written "the good, the bad and the ugly' paths for her characters to travel. Just as we do. 

I chose to listen to Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Which really worked for me - I was drawn into the story in a way a print book would not have. The reader was Jennifer Kim and I thought she was a great choice. Her voice suits the plot and style of writing. Her voice is clear, easy on the ears and enunciated well. Her speed of speaking is just right. She captures Zevin's characters and plotting easily, giving movement to her narration. Julian Cihi has a lesser role as a narrator, but again, the voice is perfect for the mental pictures I had drawn of the characters. A wonderful presentation of a book I didn't think I would enjoy. I was so very wrong - I loved it. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt.

Don't wait for tomorrow - pick up a copy of Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow today


  1. OK, you talked me into at least checking this one out. LOL

  2. Kay, I started to read a physical copy, but couldn't get into it. I then got an audio copy and it was a game changer.

  3. I have been looking forward to this. Liked AJ Firkey too. Interesting about audio, I may give that a try.

  4. I'm reading it now and can relate to a lot of what you said.

  5. JHolden - Let me know if you try the audio!

    Fredamans - I thought I was the only person who loved it right out of the gate. Glad to hear you had the same thoughts.

  6. Let me clarify; I didn't love the book. I connected with your comments about not being a gamer or into games and still being into the story. Also your disconnection to the characters, I felt that too. I didn't dislike the book, it just wasn't a grand slam for me like it was for so many others.

  7. Hmm, there should have been a 'didn't' in my reply to you Freda. I think if I had read it instead of listening there would be a difference in my rating. (lower)


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