Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Outside - Ragnar Jonasson

Ragnar Jonasson is a new to me author. His latest release is Outside. What's it about? The tag lines on the cover say it all..."Four Friends. One Night. Not Everyone Will Survive."

Jonasson opens the book up with a prologue that will capture and hold the reader's attention. A storm, an isolated rescue hut - and something that shocks the four. He then takes us back to the day before and the who and why of the trip is detailed. The who is the important bit, as there are some dark undercurrents running through these friendships. Each of the four is given a voice and the reader becomes privy to their inner thoughts in the present as well as their past interactions. There are incidences from the past that are alluded to and the details are slowly doled out. And the masks of friendship starts to slip. Jonasson changes narrators at crucial moments, ensuring I stayed up reading 'just one more chapter."

If you like Scandi noir, you'll enjoy Outside. I liked the short span of time that the book is set in. In not even two short days, lives will be inexorably changed. Bad decisions are acted upon and the fallout increases with every choice made. The characters themselves are unlikable, each and every one. The cold of an Icelandic storm gave me goosebumps. I did find the ending abrupt, but on a second read of it, decided that it indeed fit. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Outside

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