Friday, March 11, 2022

Run, Rose, Run - Dolly Parton and James Patterson.

James Patterson is a prolific author who often collaborates with co-authors. I must admit, I have fallen behind in keeping up with his releases. But, I knew I wanted to listen to the newly released Run, Rose, Run. Why? Because Dolly Parton is the co-author - and I love Dolly Parton! 

AnnieLee Keyes is determined to make it in the country music biz, so she heads to Nashville. A series of events leads her path to cross with that of the legendary Ruthanna Ryder. The book follows a fairly predictable path from there. AnnieLee has secrets in her past, there's a maybe yes, maybe no romance and a wise mentor. The story is good and kept me listening (I really wanted to know what AnnieLee's secret was!) But I have to say that what I really enjoyed the most was the  music making scenes, the band, the lyrics created and the behind the scenes look that Dolly Parton brought to the book. Ruthanna has more than a passing resemblance to Parton, kind, big-hearted, talented, a philanthropist and more. And she likes 'sparkly' too.  ;0) 

I choose to listen to Run, Rose, Run. Why? Because Dolly Parton herself reads the Ruthanna character. That drawl, that giggle, the Dollyisms and more made it so easy to build a great mental image of Ruthanna.. And it's great to hear an author speak their own prose. Country star Kelsea Ballerini read the role of AnnieLee. Again, perfect casting. She's got a great drawl as well, and a voice with lots of movement, sass and laughter. I'm not sure who played the romantic interest Ethan, but he has a wonderflly low tone to his voice that just draws you in. The speed was right, everyone spoke clearly and the voices used captured the tone of the book. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt of the book.

As well, Dolly Parton is releasing an album also called Run, Rose, Run featuring the lyrics written in the book. 


  1. I was so surprised when I saw that Dolly was co-writing a book with Patterson. I'm also delighted that she vocalized some of the audio. Wasn't sure I would try it, but we'll see. Dolly does do a lot of philanthropy for literacy and how wonderful that she does.

  2. I was surprised by the pairing as well. The story itself is predictable. I don't know if I'd read it, but listening was a treat. She does do a lot of good.

  3. This has to be an audiobook, right. Otherwise, how would we hear Dolly

  4. I’ve avoided Patterson’s books because to me, he’s like the KFC of thrillers. But writing with celebrities & other authors has piqued my interest (although still not enough to actually read one of his books) but he is pairing up with some terrific writers.
    I watched Indigo’s interview with Dolly & Patterson, the interviewer was rather ridiculous but Dolly & Patterson were very charming. While I probably won’t read the book, I’m definitely getting the music. Dolly’s The Grass is Blue is one of my favourite CDs.

  5. Icewineanne - I'm laughing out loud at KFC! I liked the Alex Cross books way back when, but they've become formulaic. I'd like to hear the music of Run, Rose, Run for sure. Hope you enjoy it!


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