Saturday, March 19, 2022

Happy 15th Blogiversary to Me!

It's hard to believe I've been blogging about books for fifteen years. If you're curious, here's the very first post.

"I spend a lot of time commenting on and recommending books to customers, friends and family and I've decided it's time to share my thoughts and reviews with the world. Not that I expect the world to stop by but maybe a few new friends and see some old ones too."
I have indeed met many other wonderful readers, writers and book lovers along the way! 

I've started wondering how much longer I want to do this. That old adage is so true - so many books and so little time! We shall see!


  1. Warm congrats! No small feat. 📚

  2. Happy blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks Freda! We've been at this for a while eh?!

  4. Happy blogversary to you, Luanne! I'm very happy you decided to share with us 15 years ago. Always enjoy reading your posts. Yes, I think many of us are wondering how long for our blogs. Guess we'll see. Take care!

  5. Thanks Kay, I appreciate that!

  6. Happy Blog anniversary! Wishing you many more!

  7. Happy Blog anniversary! Thanks for helping me so many times through your reviews to discover a book I end up loving and also avoid those not quite worth the time. I get the "so many books, so little time."

  8. Thanks Grandma Cootie for those kind words!


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