Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Deepest of Secrets - Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong's books make for addictive reading. But, I have to say, the Rockton series is my favorite. The Deepest of Secrets is the seventh entry. 

Rockton is a town that doesn't exist on any map, completely off-grid, hidden in the Yukon. The residents? They're all running from something or hiding from someone. Nobody asks too many questions. A town full of liars, thieves and criminals provides a wealth of opportunities for story telling. But even this town needs some laws - and someone to enforce them. That's where Detective Casey Duncan comes in - she was a homicide cop 'down south'. She and Sheriff Eric Dalton are partners at work - and at home. What a great premise!

This latest finds secrets being brought to light - and bodies to go along with them. The books are written from Casey's point of view. I enjoy being 'with' her as she investigates. I enjoy her internal reasoning and subsequent deductions as she investigates. The mysteries Armstrong presents are not easily solved and I quite like being kept guessing. This latest is no exception.

Casey is such a great lead - she's tough, intelligent and determined - but not perfect.  Her relationship with Dalton is well written. I'm not a big romance reader, but Armstrong does it well. Their relationship is believable, not 'over the top' and enhances the book, rather than being the main focus. There are many, many supporting players, each with their own secrets, strengths and weaknesses. They all have a role to play and I've come to appreciate how they add to the overall depth of the plots and the fabric of Rockton. 

Why do I love this series so much? I'm fascinated with the idea of a hidden town in the northern reaches of Canada. It's certainly a possibility. Armstrong's imagining of this is so detailed, from settings inside the walls and beyond. But there's another threat in Rockton in this latest entry. The council, who dictate from afar what happens in Rockton, have issued a new edict. One that threatens everything and everyone in Rockton.

The Deepest of Secrets was another great read for me. I have my hopes (and fingers crossed) for where Armstrong might take this series. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Deepest of Secrets.

(Although there's a 'catch up' introduction, I would start with the first book, City of the Lost.)


  1. I love this series as well. And I'd add my recommendation to start at the beginning. Lots of world-building here. I've been thinking of rereading the series as I had heard that this one might (just might) be coming closer to the end. What do you think? Anyway, I do think I'll make my way through them again. I like doing that with favorite series occasionally. :-)

  2. Oh, I heard that rumor as well Kay! I don't want it to end. And although I rarely reread books, this series would be the exception for sure.


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