Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Deadly Affair - Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie's mysteries are classics. I've read them all and watched the television and film versions at some point. But what I hadn't done was listen to them until Harper Audio started to release a number of Christie collections in audio format. One of the latest - A Deadly Affair, is a collection of  'Unexpected Love Stories from the Queen of Mystery'.

I've quite embraced short story collections on audio. Purists might listen in order of presentation, but I tend to pick and choose based on the length of the story and what time I have available.

This collection features a number of Christie's beloved and well known characters including Poirot (my favorite!), Miss Marple, Tommy and Tuppence as well as some lesser known, such as Parker Pyne and Harley Quin. Fourteen stories in total. And what a treat to find the last entry was Christie's own love life.

Each character brings a different style, tone and method to their crime solving skills. And it makes you realize truly how brilliant Christie was with her writing. I enjoyed each tale as they were all so different. But, what they all have in common is crime. 

The narrators were David Suchet, Hugh Fraser, Joan Hickson and Judith Boyd. These are the original actors who portrayed the iconic characters of Poirot, Hastings and Miss Marple on television. That familiarity was wonderful and I had mental images of each character while listening. I did have to adjust the speed on Hickson's stories due to her accent and rapid fire delivery. Easily done. Other than that, everything was spot on!

A must for Christie fans and a great introduction for new readers/listeners. Hear for yourself - listen to an excerpt of A Deadly Affair. Run time is 6 hours 47 minutes.


  1. I haven't read a Christie in a while, so may be adding this to my list.

  2. They're comforting listens/reads - I like the classic tales.

  3. I like Agatha Christie. Someone I go back to repeatedly when I am feeling nostalgic.

  4. I like reading/listening to short story collections out of order too! I read a large chunk of Christie books back in high school, but I really want to revisit them. I'm excited for the Death on the Nile movie, so I'll probably start with that book.

  5. Mystica - that's a perfect descriptor! Nostalgia.

    Ethank - hello - a new Death on the Nile movie!?


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