Friday, August 27, 2021

The Last Chance Library - Freya Sampson

The Last Chance Library is Freya Sampson's wonderful debut novel. Honestly, I was hooked by the title and once I read the premise, I knew I was going to love it - and I did!

June Jones is shy, introverted and is happiest with a good book for company. But where she shines is when she's working at the Chalcot village library - as did her deceased mother. She loves her job and her patrons. But, the local council has decided that it will be closing a number of smaller libraries - and Chalcot is on the chopping block. What can be done to forestall the closure?

Yes, you guessed it - a quirky band of  townsfolk band together to try to save the heart of the village. Sampson has drawn very vivid images for her characters and I had clear mental pictures of the FOCL (say that fast) Friends of the Chalcot Library. All very different, but with a common purpose. Each one endeared themselves to me. But, I have to say that Stanley was my favourite supporting character - and I'm sure he'll be yours as well. June was a great protagonist. You can't help but like her and be behind her as she breaks out of her shell and finds friends, purpose, goals, dreams and yes, maybe love as well. But the most important find will be finding her self again.

I love 'underdog' books where a scrappy bunch takes on a 'Goliath'. You'll be cheering from the sidelines. You'll laugh, and yes, you'll cry. And you'll wish you were part of the group.

The Last Chance Library is a love letter to libraries and readers and books and those who have found their way into a library for any reason. And for those who haven't? Take a trip to your local library - it's so much more than books.

A great debut Freya Sampson - I'll be watching for your next book! See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Last Chance Library

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