Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Book of Koli - M.R. Carey

I've enjoyed M.R. Carey's previous books. His latest is The Book of Koli - the first in The Rampart trilogy. It's a post apocalyptic novel, one of my favorite genres. (Although perhaps a bit scary to be reading at this time!)

Sometime in the future, the human race has been decimated. Small pockets of survivors live in their own fortified villages and encampments. Society has reverted to a much earlier time with survival being the goal. Nature has turned on humans, with predator plants and trees. Tech from the past is revered.

Young Koli lives in the barricaded settlement of Mythen Rood. He labors with his mother and sisters in the sawmill. But as he comes of age, he begins to question the way things are in his life and village. Traditions, hierarchies, roaming 'faceless' men and what might be beyond the bastions of Mythen Rood.....

I am always curious to see what an author has imagined for a post apocalyptic world. Carey has done a great job of world building. There are bits and pieces of language and roadmarkers that will give the reader hints to the past. The tech is the interesting part. Some of the technology has survived (although it's decades past what we have today) Just as interesting is the way this group has evolved, how their society works - and doesn't. Koli challenges this and the life he thought he would lead is forever changed.

Carey's foreshadowing makes for absolutely addictive reading! I couldn't help but read 'just one more chapter' 'til late at night. Koli's voice makes for wonderful storytelling. Adventure, danger and a coming of age tale fill the pages of The Book of Koli. 

Now, this is the first book of a trilogy. So, while it reaches a satisfying end, there is so much more to Koli's odyssey. And I can't wait to see what's in store. The Trials of Koli releases in September 2020 with The Fall of Koli coming out in 2021. Read an excerpt of The Book of Koli.


  1. This sounds like a promising start to the series, though I admit I'll probably hold off on reading this genre for a while. It hits a bit too close to home right now.

    In other news, I finished and really enjoyed A Mother's Lie! Thanks again for the giveaway on it.

  2. Ethan, it's really close to home right now - and plausible. And I'm so glad A Mother's Lie was such a good read!


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