Monday, March 9, 2020

The Other People - C.J. Tudor

I have been a big fan of C.J. Tudor since the release of her debut novel, The Chalk Man. Her third novel, The Other People, is another fantastic read!

How's this for an opener - you're trying to get home on a rainy night. The car ahead of you is slow moving, rusty and sports some questionable bumper stickers. But the last thing you'd expect to see is your daughter's face in the back window, mouthing the word 'Daddy.' This is what happens to Gabe. The car, with his daughter inside, eludes him. He finally arrives home at last - only to find his wife has been murdered. And now, for the last three years, he's driven up and down the highway searching for that car, a clue, a memory - anything.

Uh huh, you're hooked right? I was! Putting an 'everyday' person into an untenable situation is one of my favourite scenarios. The possibilities are endless with an opener such as this. And C.J. Tudor has come up with some crackerjack plotlines. Each new entry led down another rabbit hole - the dark web, a mysterious man who also drives the highways, calling himself the Samaritan, a rest stop waitress who knows more than she lets on, a girl in a coma and... The Other People.

The story unfolds from numerous viewpoints and flips from past to present. I expected to be able to piece together what the end outcome might be, but was happily unable to. We all love a good twist at the end right? Well, Tudor provides more than one! She's blended a great mystery/thriller with a touch of supernatural and it makes for addictive reading. Read an excerpt of The Other People.

I can't wait for book number four! There's also a nice blurb from Stephen King on the cover..."If you like my stuff, you'll love this."


  1. Yikes, that sounds like a nightmare for Gabe. The opener would hook me too for sure.

  2. It definitely draws one in. That is some opener.

  3. I really liked this book *but* I felt like I didn't understand some of it. Maybe I need to reread to make sure I didn't miss stuff.

  4. Dianna - it got very, very busy at the end!

  5. I'm glad to read that you enjoyed this one as much as I did! I agree, bring on book 4!


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