Monday, November 11, 2019

Missing Person - Sarah Lotz

Missing Person is Sarah Lotz's latest book. It's a first read of this author for me, but won't be the last.

Irish bookseller Shaun has always believed his Uncle Teddy was dead. But then he learns the truth - his family lied. Teddy ran away to New York twenty years ago - and the family declared him dead. But why? Shaun can't leave it be and keeps asking questions, despite being warned off. But when he's contacted by an online missing persons group in the US, he might finally find some answers.

I adore epistolary novels - it feels like a more intimate read, like you're more 'in' the book. The group's questions, inquiries and internal conversations are all presented in a series of online chats, emails, messages, articles and more. Lotz does some great character building with the members of We are privy to their private lives, even though the members have not met one another. They're all battling something in real life and can be someone else online. But, one of those members has some personal knowledge of 'The Boy in the Dress' case. Shaun is just as well portrayed and I found myself quite drawn to him. There are four POV's - three members of the online group and Shaun. Lotz explores family, friendship, love, loss, grief and more through these characters alongside the investigations.

I liked having two settings - the US and Ireland. As well as investigating the case from two different countries. I thought the crime was well plotted. Lotz provides unexpected turns as the search for whodunit progresses. I was kept engaged the whole time. A quite different, but really good crime novel. See for yourself - here's an excerpt of Missing Person.


  1. I love epistolary novels as well. This sounds terrific!

  2. The author and book were both new to me. Thank you for the review.

  3. Your review has motivated me to hunt this one down today. I just love novels that include letters, diaries etc (my favourite being 84 Charing Cross Road).....and as a bonus this one is a mystery - yeay!!
    Thanks for featuring this one. Cheers,


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