Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Escape Room - Megan Goldin

A Bookworm's World is today's blog tour stop for Megan Goldin's brand new book, The Escape Room.

I love twisty suspense novels and Goldin's premise was a great one. Four co-workers believe they're doing a team building exercise by participating in an Escape Room. Believable right? Uh huh, until they realize that the elevator itself is the room - and getting out alive is the goal. Love it!

Each of the four in the elevator are selfish, self-serving and just downright unlikable. (And that's just right for this book.) As the heat turns up in their box, we learn more about each one, their secrets and their true natures. They are all financiers determined to make deals and more and more money - at the cost of just about anything. I wondered if the depictions of their cut throat practices were true. Alternating with the action in the elevator are chapters from a former employee named Sara. Details from the past are slowly played out until they collide with the present.

The Escape Room is a heckuva page turner - I couldn't wait to see what would happen next! The ending is a bit implausible, but perfect for this story and didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book. Oh, this one has movie written all over it!  What a great debut. Here's an excerpt of The Escape Room.

"Megan Goldin worked as a correspondent for Reuters and other media outlets where she covered war, peace, international terrorism and financial meltdowns in the Middle East and Asia. She is now based in Melbourne, Australia where she raises three sons and is a foster mum to Labrador puppies learning to be guide dogs. The Escape Room is her debut novel." You can connect with Megan Goldin on her website, like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.


  1. I had a blast with this one too! I was having so much fun that I didn't really mind the implausibility. I'd love to see this one become a movie at some point!


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