Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Dark Sacred Night - Michael Connelly

Michael Connelly introduced us to LAPD Detective Renée Ballard in 2017's novel, The Late Show. I really liked this character and was thrilled to find out that Connelly's just released novel, Dark Sacred Night, is billed as a Ballard and Bosch book. Uh huh, two great detectives = one great read.

Ballard is still working the Late Show - the night shift in Hollywood Division. One night she finds a stranger in the squad room, rifling through filing cabinets. That stranger is retired Detective Harry Bosch, pursing a cold case - one he just can't let go. Ballard finds out what he's after - and they join forces....Oh, the joy of starting a new Michael Connelly book! I was hooked from the first chapter.

Connelly's plotting is so very, very good. The reader is alongside Harry and Renée as they put together the pieces. I enjoy not having 'insider' information that the protagonists don't have, instead 'solving' the case alongside them. (I do have to stop myself from peeking ahead at times though - I just can't wait to see the next development.)

I like the two working together, but admit my heart will always have a special place for Harry. Connelly has kept his series moving forward in real time. Harry is an aging war horse, game for the race, but beginning to struggle. Ballard has her own struggles as well - she's a pariah within her own department. But they're both dogged investigators.

This cold case is not the only case on the table - both Bosch and Ballard have other cases they're also running. Bosch gives it his all every time...

" He had always operated according to the axiom that everybody counts in this world or nobody counts. This belief dictated that he must give each case and each victim his best effort."

Connelly's writing has always had the ring of truth - his settings, procedures and dialogue are so detailed and believable. His writing is so addicting. (And I devour his books far too quickly)

Will there be more of Harry Bosch - and Ballard? I think so....

"You know what I was thinking about Harry? I was thinking about all the cases that would never get solved if you were gone. You still have work to do."

....and I can't wait to read them. Absolutely recommended! Read an excerpt of Dark Sacred Night.


  1. Our mystery group read and discussed The Late Show for September and my husband and I listened to it on audio right before that. I loved it. So, I'm happy about this one. My husband has watched all the TV Bosch adaptation and I've watched the latest season. Just received the audio of Dark Sacred Night today from Audible and I'm looking forward to listening. The same narrator will be used for Ballard and Titus Welborn (who plays Bosch on TV) will do the Bosch parts. Yay!

  2. Kay I've not watched the television series yet - I have a different mental image for Bosch than Titus Welborn. But I have listened to him narrate one of the books and his voice is perfect. Dark Sacred Night is great - enjoy!

    Bermudaonion - everything he writes is so very good!


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