Thursday, June 7, 2018

You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover #214

- You can't judge a book by its cover - which is very true. 
But you can like one cover version better than another....

US cover
UK cover
I adore Kate Morton's writing. I was so excited to find out that she has a new book coming out in the fall of 2018. "Told by multiple voices across time, The Clockmaker’s Daughter is a story of murder, mystery and thievery, of art, love and loss." The US cover is on the left and the UK cover is on the right. Let's see...The US cover is very true to the title with a clock front and center. One that has an 'old timey' feel as does the title font. There are snippets of flowers on the outer edge. The UK cover does the opposite. The flowers take center stage and if you look closely there are two brass gears and a key on the outer edge of the circle.  The UK cover also has a tag line - "My real name, no one remembers. The truth about that summer, no one else knows." I like both covers, but find myself more drawn to the UK cover. I like the flowers and the colours used. What about you? Any plans to read The Clockmaker's Daughter? Which cover do you prefer this week?
You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World.


  1. What a choice this week! I love the flowers on the UK cover but i also like the clock face with little scattered pieces of flowers & leaves on the N.A. cover. This cover also has a maple leaf on one of the clock hands & a peeking moon at the bottom of the clock face. The maple leaf is the same leaf that’s on our flag so US/Cda wins it for me ;)

  2. I do like the flowers better but I don't think either cover is terrific.

  3. I like the US cover better, but these are certainly different from ones she's had before. No landscapes or beautiful women. Looking forward to reading the book though.

  4. Keen eye Icewineanne! I went back and looked closer!

    The flowers are my fave too Bermudaonion.

    Kay, they're very different. I just know I'm going to love whatever tale she tells!


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