Monday, June 18, 2018

Giveaway - What My Sister Knew- Nina Laurin

Nina Laurin's second novel, What My Sister Knew, releases tomorrow - and I have a copy to give away to one lucky reader.

What's it about? From Grand Central Publishing:

"A psychological suspense novel that is “a mind-bending ride. Just when you think you’ve discovered the truth, a new secret is revealed.” (Wendy Walker, author of All Is Not Forgotten).
“…currently wanted by the police. If you know anything about the suspect’s whereabouts, please call…”

I look up at the TV screen, and my twin brother’s face is splashed across it, life-size.

It’s a shock that makes my breath catch. This is my brother as an adult, my brother who I last saw fifteen years ago after the fire that killed our parents, covered in soot, clutching a lighter in his hand, his knuckles stark white against the dirt and ash.

Everyone always said he’d grow up to be a heartbreaker. But his face has gone gaunt instead. The stubble on his cheeks and chin is patchy, and his eyes look dull and dark.

My first thought is that it’s not him. Not my beautiful brother, the golden boy who everyone loved. Yet, deep down, I’ve always known this would eventually happen.

What did you do this time, Eli? What the hell did you do?" Read an excerpt of What My Sister Knew.

"Nina Laurin, author of Girl Last Seen, studied Creative Writing at Concordia University, in Montreal where she currently lives. She has published speculative short stories in various e-zines and anthologies over the years and her narrative nonfiction piece, “On Happiness” is soon to be published in the local literary journal Cosmonauts Avenue. She blogs about books and writing on her website." Follow Nina on Twitter.

Sound like a book you'd like to read? Enter to win a copy using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no po boxes please. Ends Jun 30/18.


  1. WOW - sounds like my type of book! Good reading on a hot, humid stormy night. AC running, lightening flashing, thunder booms shaking the house...

  2. This sounds like a very intriguing book! Thanks for the chance :)

  3. I read Nina’s Girl Last Seen and really enjoyed it. Would love to read What My Sister Knew.

  4. A novel which sounds riveting and captivating. Thanks for this great feature and giveaway.

  5. This sounds good - thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Sounds intriguing. Family relationships are always so difficult but this adds another element.

  7. Love a good mystery and this one sounds great!

  8. Wow, sounds very exciting. The twin connection adds an interesting aspect to what she might really know!

  9. My kind of a read. Exciting storyline for sure.

  10. A new to me author!! Love finding them. This book sounds absolutely awesome! I'd love to win and read it. Thanks for the chance.

  11. This sounds fraught with tension! I'm quite curious!

  12. This one is already on my list. I want to read her previous book too. So many books.....

  13. I can never pass up the chance to win a good book!

  14. This is my kind of read—thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  15. Sounds perfect for meπŸ’•πŸ“š

  16. Sounds like a great read, thanks for the chance


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