Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Perfect Mother - Aimee Molloy

Aimee Molloy's new book, The Perfect Mother, has just released - and it's one you're going to want to pick up if you love suspense.

I think the publisher's description is quite apt...."With the masterful pacing of Before the Fall, the charged domestic drama of Big Little Lies, and the audacious structure of The Girl on the Train comes a thrilling novel centered around a group of women whose lives become indelibly connected when one of their newborns goes missing." Uh huh, one of the worst things you can imagine happening....

Molloy hooks the reader from the first chapter with some absolutely delicious foreshadowing that had me eager to keep turning pages. "I've been blamed for what happened that Fourth of July night. But not a day goes by that I don't remind myself of the truth. It's not my fault, It's theirs." And turn pages I did - every spare minute I could find. The Perfect Mother is just, so readable!

The group of mothers is made of a wide variety of personalities - each with their own secrets. The Perfect Mother is told from many points of view, giving us a behind the scenes look at what is going on in each woman's world behind closed doors, while they try to present the perfect mother personal in public. Molloy's  portrayal of new mothers is so very well done - the fears, the angst, the exhaustion, mommy groups and more.

Molloy's depiction of the media coverage is also spot on and underscores how trial by social media seems to be the new norm these days. The talk show host is particularly despicable.

But the standout is the way Molloy manipulates the reader. I truly did not see the twist at the end coming at all. I really appreciate not being able to guess the final outcome of a book. Well done!

Here's an excerpt of The Perfect Mother. Absolutely recommended - add this one to your beach bag! Film rights are already sold with Kerry Washington to star.

You can connect with Aimee Molloy on her website and follow her on Twitter. 


  1. Sounds like I need to pick this up ASAP.

  2. Definitely for me but just archived!

  3. Bermudaonion and Mystica - it was so addictive. Sorry to hear it's archived already Mystica.....

  4. Another one added to my list. Many thanks!

  5. You're going to like it Icewineanne! You're welcome!


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