Monday, April 2, 2018

Thirteen - Steve Cavanagh

You know that little thrill you get when you realize you've stumbled onto a fantastic read? I had that from the first pages of Steve Cavanagh's latest novel, Thirteen.

This is the fourth book featuring Eddie Flynn - con man turned defense lawyer. Eddie is a great lead character - dogged and clever. He's impossible not to like.

A Hollywood star is accused of killing his wife. He protests his innocence, but the evidence against him is damning. Eddie is added to the defense team - but if things go south, it's Flynn who will take the blame. As the trial gets underway, Eddie has more than a few doubts about the case against Bobby Solomon....

Cavanagh's plot premise is just as clever. "The serial killer isn't on trial. He's on the jury." Uh, huh. Now how did that happen? The reader gets inside the killer's mind and motives through his own POV chapters that alternate with the trial.

Oh my gosh. Thirteen is so very, very good. The killer is truly devious - and downright terrifying. Eddie is everything you want in a lead character. (I'm going to be looking up the first three books in this series for sure) The supporting cast is just as well drawn - Judge Harry Ford was a favourite for me. The crime is fiendishly clever. The investigation is meticulously plotted. The legal scenes are riveting. Cavanagh's writing is so very, very readable. And edge of your seat. What more can I say - I absolutely loved it. If you enjoy legal thrillers, you need to read Thirteen. Start now - Here's an excerpt of Thirteen.

Who else likes Steve Cavanagh's writing?  "I've been tracking Steve Cavanagh for a few years now and Thirteen is his best, a dead bang beast of a book that expertly combining his authority on the law with an absolutely great thrill ride. Books this ingenious don't come along very often." - Michael Connelly

You can connect with  Steve Cavanagh on his website, like him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. 


  1. I can tell you loved this so I want to read it too!

  2. Bermudaonion - it was very clever and I really liked the lead character!

  3. Definitely sounds like worth a try.


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