Monday, March 5, 2018

Death of an Honest Man - M.C. Beaton - Review AND Giveaway

Death of an Honest Man is the 33rd (!) entry in M.C. Beaton's Hamish MacBeth series. I have a copy of this latest to give away to one lucky reader courtesy of Grand Central Publishing.

Paul English has retired to the Scottish Highlands. He prides himself on his 'honesty'. But that honesty is often cruelty - and one of the recipients of his candor has taken exception - and killed Paul. The murder has happened in Police Sergeant Hamish MacBeth's beat.

For those unfamiliar with this series, Hamish is quite content to live in his remote Scottish village. In fact, he usually solves the cases and lets someone else take the credit, so he doesn't get promoted. Beaton has created a cast of recurring characters from those quirky inhabitants of the village of Lochdubh, to the higher ups in the police department, both friend and foe. His romantic life is an ongoing saga and I don't see any resolution happening now or in the future. The rotating constables and ongoing pet saga are also mainstays of the plotting.

And that's the fun of this series - the continuity and the revisiting of familiar characters. The clues come fast and furious, the logic leaps sometimes mystify me and some of the goings on require a few grains of salt, but again that's also part of the charm of the series. They're quick little reads, perfect for a dreary day.

Hamish had developed a bit of a sharp edge in the last few books that I didn't enjoy. I'm happy to say that's not the case with this latest, as he seems to be back to his old self. Read an excerpt of The Death of an Honest Man.

And if you'd like to read Death of an Honest Man, I have a copy to giveaway to one lucky reader. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends March 17/18.


  1. Thanks for this delightful and captivating novel which I would enjoy.

  2. I love Hamish. I am probably in the minority and I know M. C. Beaton didn't like it, but I also loved the TV series from years ago. Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I'm glad to hear that Hamish's good attitude has returned.

  4. I love a good mystery-am currently reading 2!! Thanks for the contest!!

  5. I haven't read M.C. Beaton yet--I really ought to!

  6. Love this series love Hamish😍😍

  7. I would love to read this book—thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  8. Thanks for your candid review of this book. I think I'd enjoy reading this series.


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