Monday, January 8, 2018

The Woman in the Window - A.J. Finn

Okay, this is one of the best twisty, turny psychological thrillers I've read in a long, long time. You have got to read The Woman in the Window, the debut novel from A.J. Finn.

Anna Fox is agoraphobic, unable to leave her home. She mixes alcohol with her medication and spends her days looking out her windows at her neighbourhood. Well, no that's not quite right......she spies on them, taking pictures with her camera. A new family moves in and Anna starts watching them as well. And then she sees something she shouldn't have. Or did she?

Finn has created a fantastically unreliable narrator in Anna. Can we believe what she is seeing? Saying? Her reasoning is flawed and her take on things is skewed. Or is it? The supporting cast is just as unreliable. It seems everyone has their own agenda, secrets and lies. Finn deliciously unspools his story, letting us see a little more with each new chapter.

Anna has a fondness for old black and white films, especially those by Alfred Hitchcock. Those familiar with his work (and especially Rear Window) will appreciate the references and the homage.

I am being deliberately obtuse. I don't want to reveal too much - this is a tale you need to experience. To wonder how and why, to 'ah hahing' at each new reveal and revelation, to trying to puzzle out the final whodunit. Which will be impossible as Finn has written a labyrinth of a novel. And one that is very, very hard to put down. I absolutely loved it!

Read an excerpt of The Woman in the Window. You can connect with A.J. Finn on Twitter as well as on Instagram. The Woman in the Window is to be published in thirty-six languages around the world and is already in development as a major film from Fox.


  1. I'm glad to see it lives up to its hype. I can't wait to read it.

  2. I've been hearing about this one for a long time and it's finally published. I shall be reading it soon. The Rear Window connection is very appealing. Can't wait!! Glad to know you give it a good mark!

  3. Yes there is a lot of positive vibes regarding this book. Thanks for the update.

  4. Very excited to read this one!

  5. You're all going to love it! I look forward to your thoughts!

  6. Wow, our library has 529 holds on the physical book & the ebook has 433 holds. By the time i get a copy it will be 2019!
    Great review, it has got me so intrigued. It sounds like a perfect January book to read with a warm blanket & a glass of red wine :)
    Found it on sale for $15 at our local book store so i'm heading over today to pick up a copy.

  7. Oh my gosh Icewineanne - those are crazy holds numbers! Fifteen dollars is a good price for a great read - enjoy!


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