Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Giveaway - Last Girl Seen - Nina Laurin

Nina Laurin's debut novel, Girl Last Seen,  releases on June 20/17 - and I have a copy to giveaway to one lucky reader!

What's it about? From Grand Central Publishing:

"Two missing girls. Thirteen years apart.
Olivia Shaw has been missing since last Tuesday. She was last seen outside the entrance of her elementary school in Hunts Point wearing a white spring jacket, blue jeans, and pink boots.

I force myself to look at the face in the photo, into her slightly smudged features, and I can't bring myself to move. Olivia Shaw could be my mirror image, rewound to thirteen years ago.

If you have any knowledge of Olivia Shaw's whereabouts or any relevant information, please contact...

I've spent a long time peering into the faces of girls on missing posters, wondering which one replaced me in that basement. But they were never quite the right age, the right look, the right circumstances. Until Olivia Shaw, missing for one week tomorrow.

Whoever stole me was never found. But since I was taken, there hasn't been another girl.

And now there is." Read an excerpt of Girl Last Seen.

Nina Laurin studied Creative Writing at Concordia University, in Montreal where she currently lives. She has published speculative short stories in various e-zines and anthologies over the years and her narrative nonfiction piece, "On Happiness" is soon to be published in the local literary journal Cosmonauts Avenue." You can connect with Nina on her website and follow her on Twitter.

And if Girl Last Seen sounds like a book you'd like to read, enter to win a copy using the Rafflecopter form below! Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends June 24/17.


  1. Captivating and enthralling novel. Thanks.

  2. Sounds good!


  3. Books with scary thriller elements are not my usual thing, but this might be good!

  4. This looks like an interesting read. I look forward to reading it. :)

  5. Sounds really good! I love psychological thrillers!

  6. Sounds very intriguing!

  7. It is just the kind of book I love. This author has a big hit,

  8. Sounds very tense. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. Sounds good, thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Sounds very exciting. Thanks.

  11. Sounds intriguing. Would love to read it.

  12. I'm always in the mood for a great suspense novel!

  13. Sounds amazing, I would love to read!


  14. This sounds like just the type of book I like to read.


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