Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Christmas Angel Project - Melody Carlson

December always brings the desire to read Christmas fiction for me. And to remember the real 'reason for the season.' The Christmas Angel Project by Melody Carlson was absolutely perfect on both counts.

The prologue introduces us to Abby, who is putting the finishing touches on some personal Christmas gifts for her friends, all members of their book club. Now, this isn't a spoiler as it's the first chapter - but Abby passes away.

The reader is privy to the shock and grief that her four friends experience when they hear this news. Each of the four has a very different personality and different reaction to the news of Abby's death. She played a unique role in each woman's life.When Abby's husband delivers the gifts to the group, they take what Abby has given them and turn it to something even more special. They decide to become 'Christmas Angels' and help members of their community.

"Angels should be capable of making miracles in other people's lives......Suddenly they were all talking, suggesting ways they might help others, good deeds they might do, ways to 'pay it forward'."

I loved this idea - it's absolutely one each of us should put into play in our own lives and community - at any time of the year. Matthew 6

Carlson's characters are very likeable in their honesty, doubts, beliefs and struggles. I enjoyed that they were all from different walks and stages of life. (And I would enjoy them as friends as well) She has created unique ideas for each character to carry out their good deeds. I enjoyed seeing their plans come to fruition. Carlson also includes a lovely romantic subplot for one of the characters.

Looking for an sweet, inspirational, heart-warming holiday tale with a wonderful message? Pick up The Christmas Angel Project. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea looking out at the snow. Read an excerpt of The Christmas Angel Project.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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