Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Kept Woman - Karin Slaughter

I stumbled across Karin Slaughter's first book, Blindsighted, back in 2002. On turning the last page, I knew she was an author I wanted more from. And Slaughter has not disappointed! Her latest book is The Kept Woman, newly released and the eighth book in the Trent series.

Over the years, two series have evolved - The Grant County and Will Trent books. (along with some really great stand-alones)

Will and his partner Faith (both whom work for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation) are called out to a murder at a construction site. The body is identified as that of an ex-cop - and then things get a little more complicated. There's blood evidence at the scene of a badly hurt second victim, but no body. And if that's not enough, the building site belongs to a high profile athlete who's run afoul of the GBI in the past.

What has made Slaughter one of my all time favourite authors? Her characters - I feel like I've come to know them - and yes, care about them. Each new entry in this series has me wondering what will happen in their lives. And there's no predicting - Slaughter absolutely keeps the reader on their toes, anticipating  - and fearing - what might happen next. There are characters I don't like as well. But, Slaughter has given them just as much development. The 'negative' characters, if you will, have a full background and reasons behind their personalities and actions.

Plotting. Oh, man can Slaughter write a story. I often wonder how far ahead she has the series planned. With each book, a little more about the continuing storyline is revealed. This runs parallel the the mystery within each book. Both are just excellent. The first half of the book I was totally engrossed, really enjoying the story, thinking I knew where the plot was headed. (And I had mixed feelings about the direction I thought Slaughter was taking) And then BAM....she totally sucker punched me.....and took the plot in another direction. And then, just when I thought there couldn't be any more surprises in order, there's another revelation. Secrets everywhere. Loved it!

And the ending - well, the case is sewed up.....but there's an ominous last line that leaves the door open for the next book. And this reader will be eagerly waiting for it. Highly recommended - five stars for me. I would recommend reading the backlist to get a full appreciation for the long game plot Slaughter is unravelling before reading this latest. Trust me, you'll be a fan. Read an excerpt of The Kept Woman.

Cr:Alison Rosa
"Karin Slaughter is the #1 internationally bestselling author of more than a dozen novels, including the Will Trent and Grant County series and the instant New York Times bestselling standalones, Cop Town and Pretty Girls. There are more than 35 million copies of her books in print around the world." Find out more about Karin at her website and connect with her on Facebook. See what others on the TLC book tour thought - full schedule can be found here.

I received this book for review from HarperCollins and TLC Book Tours.

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