Monday, February 29, 2016

Hidden Bodies - Caroline Kepnes

Caroline Kepnes's second book, Hidden Bodies has just released.

I really liked Kepnes's first book You. (my review) You introduced us to Joe, a sociopathic, narcissistic bookseller who thinks he's found the girl of his dreams. But the path to true love is a very bumpy one.....

Joe returns in Hidden Bodies. He's in love again. And again it's a bumpy road. You was told in  Joe's unending, seriously disturbed stream of consciousness narrative. That narrative continues in Hidden Bodies.

Kepnes had my attention in the beginning as Joe is up to his old tricks....

"You don't go to a party empty-handed and my reusable Pantry bag is stuffed with rope, my Rachael Ray knife, rubber gloves, plastic bags, duct tape, and Percocets from Dez."

....but I slowly found my attention wandering as the book progressed. (spoiler) Joe ending up in Hollywood was just - I don't know - too much of a stretch for me. I must admit, that plots involving stars, movies, Hollywood etc. bore me.

A big part of Joe's life revolves around his sex life. In You it made sense and was an integral part of the plot. But I found it overdone in Hidden Bodies. Honestly, I just grew weary of Joe and his d**k. (His words not mine) His detailed sexual escapades, exploits and fantasies lost the sense of shock or effect with so much repetition. Again, I grew bored.

I liked Joe in You and even felt sorry for him. As I read, I saw shades of Dexter. I didn't have the same reaction this read. Instead, I found Joe to be flat and just not as interesting the second time around. I already knew who and what he was - his actions weren't much of a surprise, but simply another helping of the same. I saw the book through to the end - which finishes up somewhat ambiguously - hinting at perhaps a third Joe book - one I won't be picking up.

I think I'm in the minority on this one. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Hidden Bodies.

1 comment:

  1. I passed on "You" because it sounded so superficial, too much navel gazing. This one sounds no better, so unfortunately Caroline is not an author, i will be following.
    Thanks for another nice review:-)


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