Saturday, August 29, 2015

You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover #68

- You can't judge a book by its cover - which is very true.
But you can like one cover version better than another..

US cover

Ruth Ware's debut novel In A Dark, Dark Wood has been generating some buzz. So naturally I have added it to my TBR pile! The US cover is on the left and the UK/Canadian cover is on the right. Wow, there's a real difference this week between the two covers! I'm going to go with the US cover - it seems to promise a darker read. The UK pink type, tagline and shot of the girl seems fluffier. Gimme scary.....Which cover do you prefer?
Do you plan to read In A Dark Dark Wood?

You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover
is a regular Saturday feature at A Bookworm's World.


  1. I like both but think I prefer the US cover too.

  2. As a Canadian, i'd prefer to see the American cover in my bookshelf.

  3. I prefer the US cover

  4. I love the US cover! I picked this book up, too, and can't wait to read it. And the cover, in person, wow. It really stands out. :)

  5. I'm torn. I like the trees and colour in the Cdn cover but would have preferred it without the tagline & blonde chick. Slight edge to Cdn cover.
    I have read so many good reviews & recommendations about this book, that I pre-ordered the pb. Looking forward to a (hopefully) thrilling read.


Thank you for stopping by - your comments are much appreciated!