Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Giveaway - Watch the Lady - Elizabeth Fremantle

Oh, have I got a great giveaway for you today! Fans of historical fiction and royal fiction are going to want to get their hands on Elizabeth Fremantle's just released new novel - Watch The Lady. I've got a signed copy to giveaway!

From the publisher, Simon and Schuster:

"From “a brilliant new player in the court of royal fiction” (People), comes the mesmerizing story of Lady Penelope Devereux—the daring young beauty in the Tudor court, who inspired Sir Philip Sidney’s famous sonnets even while she plotted against Queen Elizabeth.

Penelope Devereux arrives at Queen Elizabeth’s court where she and her brother, the Earl of Essex, are drawn into the aging Queen’s favor. Young and naïve, Penelope, though promised elsewhere, falls in love with Philip Sidney who pours his heartbreak into the now classic sonnet series Astrophil and Stella. But Penelope is soon married off to a man who loathes her. Never fainthearted, she chooses her moment and strikes a deal with her husband: after she gives birth to two sons, she will be free to live as she chooses, with whom she chooses. But she is to discover that the course of true love is never smooth.

Meanwhile Robert Cecil, ever loyal to Elizabeth, has his eye on Penelope and her brother. Although it seems the Earl of Essex can do no wrong in the eyes of the Queen, as his influence grows, so his enemies gather. Penelope must draw on all her political savvy to save her brother from his own ballooning ambition and Cecil’s trap, while daring to plan for an event it is treason even to think about.

Unfolding over the course of two decades and told from the perspectives of Penelope and her greatest enemy, the devious politician Cecil, Watch the Lady chronicles the last gasps of Elizabeth’s reign, and the deadly scramble for power in a dying dynasty." Read an excerpt of Watch The Lady. A reading group guide is also available.

credit Paola Pieroni
"Elizabeth Fremantle is the author of Sisters of Treason, Queen’s Gambit, and Watch the Lady, and has contributed to Vogue, The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, The Sunday Times (London), and other publications. She has also reviewed fiction for The Sunday Express. She lives in London, England." You can connect with Elizabeth Fremantle on Twitter as well as on Facebook.

You can connect with Elizabeth Fremantle today - Tuesday June 16th! She will be hosting a Facebook Qand A from 2pm-4pm EST. Join in on the conversation by using the hashtag #askelizabeth.

Enter to win a signed copy of Watch the Lady using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US only, no PO boxes please. Ends July 4/15. Good luck!


  1. Looking forward to reading this book

  2. This book would be fascinating. Thanks for this great giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. I really enjoy historical fiction. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. I really enjoyed another book I recently read by this author, and I would be thrilled to be able to read her work again ASAP! Thanks Luanne for featuring this opportunity. Cheers, Kara S

  5. Sounds really good, thanks!

  6. I've never read anything by this author, I would like to check her out. This sounds like an interesting historical fiction novel.

  7. I wrote about Philip Sidney's sonnets for my thesis in college and remain fascinated by the era. I often reflect that a computer would have not only made my work easier but also better!


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