Monday, May 4, 2015

Giveaway - Blood Ties - Nicholas Guild

Here's one for readers who love crime fiction. Blood Ties is Nicholas Guild's newest book - and thanks to Forge Books, I have a copy to giveaway.

From the publisher:

"Homicide detective Ellen Ridley of the SFPD is tracking a serial killer terrorizing young women in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ridley is sure she's cornered her most likely suspect: Stephen Tregear, a hacker and code breaker who works for U.S. Naval Intelligence. But Tregear is not the killer... he's the killer's son.

Ridley and Tregear team up to look for Tregear's father, Walter, in an elaborate game of murderous cat and mouse. As the body count rises, Ridley must race against the clock to stop Walter before he kills any more women--and Tregear must finally confront the father who has been trying to kill him for twenty years. Blood Ties is an elegant and frightening thriller from Nicholas Guild." Read an excerpt of Blood Ties.

Nicholas Guild was born in Belmont, California, and attended Occidental College and the University of California at Berkeley. He taught at Clemson and Ohio State before turning full time to writing fiction. He has published a dozen novels in both the thriller and historical genres, several of which were international bestsellers, including The Assyrian, Blood Star, and Angel. Guild now lives in Frederick, Maryland. You can connect with Nicholas Guild on Facebook.

Sound like a book you'd like to read? One copy up for giveaway, open to US and Canada. Ends May 16/15. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below.


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