Sunday, March 8, 2015

Giveaway - Inside A Silver Box - Walter Mosley

Walter Mosley is a name readers will recognize - I'm a fan of his crime novels. Mosley's latest book is a 'speculative fiction' novel - Inside A Silver Box. And thanks to Tor Books, I have a copy to giveaway!

From the publisher:

"INSIDE A SILVER BOX is a genre-defying work of fiction that tells the remarkable story of two unlikely heroes who join forces to protect humanity from destruction by an alien race, the Laz, hell-bent on regaining control over the Silver Box, the most destructive and powerful tool in the universe."

Sound like a book you'd like to read? (You can read an excerpt below.)One copy to giveaway. Simply leave a comment to be entered. Open to US only, no PO boxes please. End March 21/15.

 You can find Walter Mosley on Facebook and on his website.


  1. That does sound interesting. I'd be very pleased to win a copy, thanks for the chance. carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx

  2. It sounds like a really great book. I have never read any of his books before, but I would love to read this one. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  3. Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the giveaway!


  4. Walter Mosley's literary genius is well-established; although, I myself have never yet read his work. I want to remedy this. Thank you, Luanne, for giving me a chance to do so sooner rather than later! This is another gem of a giveaway! Cheers, Kara S

    If needed -- shamy at post dot harvard dot edu


Thank you for stopping by - your comments are much appreciated!