Thursday, February 12, 2015

Over the Counter #251

What books caught my eye this week as they passed over the library counter and under my scanner? This week's it's time for a manicure!

First up Homemade Nail Polish: Create Unique Colors and Designs For Eye-Catching Nails By Allison Rose Spiekermann

From the publisher, Ulysses Press:

"Colorful, daring nail art is today’s hottest fashion trend, popping up in chic fashion spreads and on celebs walking the red carpet. But store-bought polishes aimed at appealing to the masses are generally uninspiring in hue and appearance. Homemade Nail Polish shows you how to create your own signature polishes using readily available tools and materials.

Whether you are looking to match your nails with a specific dress or just have fun playing with shades and hues, this unique guide is the key to stunning original nail art design and featuring one-of-a-kind colors. With step-by-step instructions, detailed photos, and recipes for dozens of different polishes—including cremes, shimmers, glitters, and more—Homemade Nail Polish will have you whipping up ahead-of-the-curve colors in no time.

From safe handling guidelines and a detailed explanation of each ingredient’s function to tips on bottling, labeling, and naming original creations, everything is right here for making polishes for personal use or as thoughtful handmade gifts. A section on tricks for expert application, easy removal, and drop-dead gorgeous nail design takes custom-made manicuring to a new level of self-expression."

Next up is 500 Nail Designs by Chelsea Franklin.

From the publisher, Fair Winds Press:

"500 Nail Designs is a collection of gorgeous, inspired nail looks. You'll find hundreds of dramatic nail art designs from multi-colored graphic patterns, to plays of textures and finish. Want super glossy nails for the beach? How about accent glitters for a night out? Get rockin' with the rough crackle look, or just go natural with a sexy, simple matte finish. There are also dozens of thematic designs such as red and green Christmas ornament designed nails, fancy floral patterns for spring, or tie-dye for summer. Take with you to the salon, share with your friends, or use the photos to create your own ideas. 500 Nail Designs is the ultimate nail art inspirational sourcebook for fashionistas. With a quick lesson for the perfect manicure, you'll be able to recreate these looks in a snap! Simply swap out different polish colors or textures, or add and subtract elements to get any style you see!"

(Over the Counter is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World. I've sadly come the realization that I cannot physically read every book that catches my interest as it crosses over my counter at the library. But... I can mention them and maybe one of them will catch your eye as well. See if your local library has them on their shelves!)

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